It is, truly, too depressing to have to witness Trump's re-ascendancy, compounded equally by the utterly despicable attempt on his life and by Biden’s accelerating descent into…

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They Knew

For the last six years, I’ve been following the labyrinthine proceedings of an American court case known simply as ‘Juliana v. United States’. The Plaintiffs are 21 young people…

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USA and China Join Battle for Net Zero Gold Rush

Listen out: ‘The American Jobs Plan will unify and mobilise the country to meet the two great challenges of our time: the climate crisis and the ambitions of an autocratic……

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The State of American Democracy

How often have you heard something like this: ‘Well, the situation here in the UK may be dire, but things aren’t half as bad as they are in America!’ I’ve said it myself, mostly…

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Take Courage! – O Ye of Little Faith! – from Earth Day

I can’t say I’ve been the biggest supporter of Earth Day over the years. Not really into formulaic anniversaries, especially when every day should be a bloody Earth Day as far as…

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Imagining a Non-Nuclear World

I found myself laughing rather too enthusiastically at a couple of jokes on last week’s Now Show (on Radio 4) about Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. Laughing in the face of the…

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