The Long Table

Tom Herbert, baker and entrepreneur, is right: environmentalists seem to be a lot more focussed on ways of growing food locally and sustainably, to contribute to the balanced…

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It’s slightly scary to realise that once we’ve seen off the Evil Empire of Big Oil (and we will – but just not soon enough to avoid cataclysmic climate disruption), that there’s…

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Sort Out the Meat Monster – or We All Go Down!

Feeding the world, the way we do it today, is now the greatest single threat to the future of humankind. I’ve spent the last three weeks gorging myself on a massive meat feast.…

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Sustainable Palm Oil: If you Want to End Deforestation, Stick to the Facts!

I hate to have to say this, but James Corden and Bill Bailey have allowed themselves to be duped by an unholy combination of NGOs and naïve retailers. I’m referring, of course, to…

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Iceland, Palm Oil and Empty PR Stunts

Richard Walker, MD of Iceland Foods, is a man on a mission to save the world’s rainforests. You can bet he felt really pleased with himself when his decision to ban the use of…

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Palm Oil: the Edible Oil Westerners Love to Hate!

Just back from another visit to KL as part of the work Forum for the Future does with Sime Darby Plantation – one of the biggest (and most sustainable!) palm oil companies in the…

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Seafood Companies Launch Major Initiative

Wednesday saw the launch of one of the most fascinating – and significant – initiatives that I’ve been involved in for a very long time: Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship…

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Re-inventing the ‘Limits to Growth’ debate

Still barely a mention about the environment in the Referendum campaign – just another reminder that these issues still have very little cut-through in UK politics. Beyond the…

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Values, Global Citizenship and the EU Referendum: a Mind-Boggling Mindset Mash-up!

I don’t feel good about this, but I can’t help despising most of the people involved in the Brexit campaign: Nigel Farage, Iain Duncan Smith, Norman Tebbit, Owen Paterson, George…

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Latest Chapter in the Palm Oil and Deforestation Saga

Today (Tuesday 15th December) in London, we’ll be launching our Report on High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests, and the role of the palm oil industry in helping both to identify them…

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