“Nuclear War: A Scenario”: An Absolute Must-Read

I sometimes fantasise about MRCs – Mandatory Reading Commitments– for a pre-designated category of “people of influence” here in the UK: politicians (including all would-be…

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EDF: A Total Basket Case, Weighed Down By Its £50 Billion Nuclear Turkey At Hinkley Point.

EdF’s bosses must be thanking their lucky stars that President Macron decided to take complete control of EdF back in 2022. Otherwise, its latest announcements about further…

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After 14 years of Tory mismanagement, the UK finds itself bereft of an energy strategy. This was finally confirmed in the release last week of the Government’s new Nuclear…

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Germany’s Nuclear Nous versus the UK’s Nuclear Nutters

I’m celebrating today – for the simple reason that Germany closed down its three remaining nuclear reactors on Saturday 15th April. I’ve followed the nuclear debate in Germany…

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Sizewell C: Just the Latest Nuclear Scam

Whatever chaos unfolds between today (Thursday) and tomorrow, Boris Johnson is apparently still planning to confirm his Government’s commitment to a new nuclear power station at…

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Prospects for Energy Security Marred by Nuclear Fantasies

This is absolutely the right time for a new Energy Strategy. Unfortunately, we’ve got absolutely the wrong politicians in charge of it. The combination of Boris Johnson and Rishi…

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COP26’s Nuclear Sidebar

The fact that COP26 was crawling with huge numbers of delegates from Big Oil and Gas got a lot of attention from the media. Less attention was paid to the large number of…

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Truth and Fantasy in Our Net Zero World

In this short-lived breathing space between last week's Net Zero barrage and next week's CoP26 frenzy, it seems timely to reflect on how it all stacks up so far. After months of…

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Nuclear Energy:Nuclear Weapons – the Inseparable Link

I first took an interest in Greenpeace back in 1973, before I joined Friends of the Earth, CND and the Green Party (then the Ecology Party) a year later. I’d followed the…

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Getting Real About Net Zero

When it comes to understanding the true nature of Net Zero by 2050, I have one huge request: could everybody please stop flourishing their particular ‘get out of jail free’ cards…

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