Last week there were two powerful reminders of the frontline role of conservationists in today's troubled world. First, the ever-more remarkable Whitley Awards, which I was lucky…

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Whitley Fund for Nature – 30 amazing years.

Nearly 30 years ago, when I was scrabbling around to find a few people to provide start-up funding for what became Forum for the Future, Edward Whitley stepped up and took a punt…

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Pity the Eight Billionth Child on Planet Earth

I hope you’ve got Tuesday November 15th marked up in your diary? According to the UN’s population wonks, that’s the day when the eight billionth human being will be born. Not sure…

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Weighing War Criminals in the Balance

There is near universal consensus in the West that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. Calls to set up a Special Tribunal under the International Criminal Court in The Hague, sooner…

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COP26 is Dead. Long Live COP27!

Glasgow is what it was: not an outright failure, but falling so far short of what is so urgently needed in the real world (1.5 degrees C and all that) as to leave almost…

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The Aotearoa Circle: An Initiative for Our Times

Back in 2016, I sat down in Auckland with a very good friend of mine, Rob Fenwick, to share our frustrations at the difficulty of getting New Zealanders to understand the critical…

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