They Knew

For the last six years, I’ve been following the labyrinthine proceedings of an American court case known simply as ‘Juliana v. United States’. The Plaintiffs are 21 young people…

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Rise Up! The Power of Young People

I keep thinking what it must be like to be a young climate activist in the UK today. Greta Thunberg, inspirationally, in one ear. Blustering Boris, with all his phoney rhetoric,…

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Rise Up! Confronting the Climate Emergency

The thing you have to love about Greta Thunberg’s unwavering advocacy (as currently on display on BBC1) is just that: it’s unwavering. If you’re Greta, you don’t get to have a day…

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Why I really didn’t like Bill Gates’s ‘How to Avoid a Climate Disaster’

So what are we to make of a guy who completely ignored climate change until 2006, only decided to ‘do more and speak out more’ in 2015, whilst continuing to invest huge sums of…

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BP and Shell: Sinners into Saints?

‘BP and Shell are companies whose senior managers know, as an irrefutable fact, that their current business model threatens both the stability of the global economy and the…

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2021: Make or Break For The UK’s Climate Strategy – instalment (C)

Both the Ten Point Plan and the Energy White Paper wax lyrical about the potential for CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage), using pretty much the same kind of language…

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2021: Make Or Break For The UK’s Climate Strategy – instalment (B)

If renewables is the UK’s strongest low-carbon suit, energy efficiency in the built environment is by far the weakest. It’s absolutely critical that the UK puts efficiency at the…

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2021: Make or break for the UK’s climate strategy

For all sorts of reasons, UK politicians do at last seem to have grasped that we are in the midst of an out-and-out Climate Emergency. Despite people’s worst fears that the whole…

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Recognising the power of young activists

My principal reason for writing Hope in Hell was the new-found sense of purpose that the Schools Strike movement and the XR protests had given me in the first half of 2019.

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Build Back Fairer – and Healthier

First published by Forum tor the Future, 25th June 2020 | In the fifth of our Corporate Leadership in the Time of Corona series, Jonathon Porritt explores how intricately linked…

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