This is my own personal website, and everything on it is here to help illustrate the breadth of all the work I do in the world of sustainability.

I’ve been in that world for a very long time (having joined the Green Party in the summer of 1974), but I genuinely can’t recall ever feeling the same intense combination of despair and hope!

After nearly 50 years of non-stop activism and advocating both for environmental sustainability and for social justice, I’m more persuaded now than ever that this is our time.

Hope often seems very fragile against such a disaster-strewn backdrop, but it still permeates my life as an incorrigible advocate of a solutions agenda that gets more and more substantive by the day.

But I’m grateful I still have such a diverse portfolio – not least to give full rein to my campaigning instincts (working against the insanity of nuclear power and nuclear weapons, for instance, or in support of progressive family planning, electoral reform and a host of other critical causes). And I remain a Member of the Green Party, as well as being Chancellor Keele University, which is a real privilege.

I know I’ve said this before, but I can’t help but think we’re nearing an inflection point – ecologically, politically and economically. So there are some very turbulent times ahead!’

Upcoming Events

Sustainability – at what cost?

Welcome to the inaugural Specifier Summit 2024.

This event will see 150 specifiers in the same room, discussing the role of sustainability in today’s economic climate.

Book tickets here

Thursday 7th November 2024 – 9:30am to 3pm
Knebworth Barns, Hertfordshire

Forum For The Future

As Founder Director of Forum for the Future, this remains my principal organisational base.

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Yesterday was indeed “a dark day for peaceful environmental protest in the UK”, as the UN's Special Rapporteur on environmental defence, Michel Forst, put it. A very dark day. The outrage has been widespread. The disproportionality of the sentences (five years for Roger Hallam, four years for Lucia…

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It is, truly, too depressing to have to witness Trump's re-ascendancy, compounded equally by the utterly despicable attempt on his life and by Biden’s accelerating descent into senility. Exactly when the whole of humankind most needs the USA committed to its sustainable future rather than its…

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The Green Party’s Path to 2029

The Green Party is still celebrating. After 14 years with just one MP at Westminster, it now has four, after a hard-fought win against Labour in Bristol Central, and two wins against the Tories (in North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley), whilst easily retaining Brighton Pavilion. This is a…

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