The Campaign to Save Wicklesham Quarry: Now or Never

When I was Director of Friends of the Earth, many, many years ago, I picked up a lot of knowledge from someone called Andrew Lees, who died, tragically, out in Madagascar in 1994.…

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Why the Wonderful Wendell Berry Should Still be on Your Reading List!

I’m just reading ‘Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist’, Paul Kingsnorth’s collection of essays written over the last 15 years or so. It’s a good read – and very…

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Sustainable Development Still the Only Big, BIG Idea Worth Bothering About

Eighteen months ago, leaders of nearly 200 nations meeting at the United Nations agreed a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide their governments – and people…

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Better Business, Better World – but Better for Whom?

So what exactly is the appetite for ‘reinventing capitalism’ – amongst capitalists, rather than amongst campaigners? A very interesting new report has just been published that…

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All Change for Corporate Sustainability?

“We’re a nation of immigrants whose diverse backgrounds, ideas and points of view have helped us build and invent as a nation for over 240 years.” Those are the words of Jeff…

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Wicklesham Quarry Needs Your Help

I urge everyone reading this blog to get behind the campaign to Protect Wicklesham Quarry – and to do so as urgently as possible by supporting the Crowdjustice Appeal launched…

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Green Party: All Change at the Top!

I was in Birmingham ten days ago, for the Green Party Conference, and arrived at the very moment that Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley were declared the new Co-Leaders of the…

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University League Tables: What Really Counts?

Last week was just about the most anxiety-inducing in the entire year for UK universities, waiting nervously to see how well they had done in the increasingly important…

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When it Comes to Bribery, Nothing Can Match the Nuclear Industry

It doesn’t take long for the shine to go off a newly-appointed Prime Minister, does it? Yesterday’s obesity anti-strategy was a disgrace – and apparently all down to Theresa May…

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Forum for the Future’s Partners: in for the Long Haul

Of all the activities the Forum announced when we launched 20 years ago, it was our intention to work with business that attracted the most interest. There wasn’t a lot of that…

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